One way we do this is by offering WildSmiles braces, a fun and unique way to express your personality through your braces! WildSmiles braces look and function like traditional braces, but they use fun-shaped brackets to help you express yourself. To learn more about our WildSmiles in Davenport and Celebration, Florida, we welcome you to contact our office at 863-353-6867 and schedule an appointment with our orthodontist, Dr. Chris Shannon. We want you to enjoy every step of your treatment!
With WildSmiles, patients have a whole new way of expressing themselves with their braces! With traditional braces, the only variety you can find is in choosing the color of your bands. With WildSmiles, however, you have one more way that you can show off your unique personality. WildSmiles has been making braces more fun for over 10 years, and our practice is pleased to now offer this treatment option to our patients.

Using WildSmiles, you have your choice of shape between hearts, footballs, flowers, stars, sports balls and super diamonds. With such a variety, you can pick a bracket that fits your personality. Plus, these brackets can help you have greater confidence during your treatment because not only do you get a straighter smile, but you also get to express yourself while doing it! Using WildSmiles does not change the amount of time needed to complete your treatment; the average treatment time still lies within 18 to 30 months. WildSmiles also does not add any additional fees to your treatment plan.
WildSmiles are only available through licensed orthodontists, and our orthodontist has received the necessary training to bring WildSmiles to you! So come on in to our practice and exercise your ability to choose what best represents you! We are excited to make WildSmiles a treatment option for our patients. For more information, please feel free to call or visit us today.