Accelerate your orthodontic treatment.
While many patients want the advantages that come with straight teeth, they don’t always enjoy long orthodontic treatments. To help shorten the wait, our orthodontist, Dr. Chris Shannon, may recommend AcceleDent®. Come in for AcceleDent in Davenport or Celebration, Florida, and Shannon Orthodontics can help you or your child have a more comfortable, quicker treatment. Call 863-353-6867 today!
While many patients want the advantages that come with straight teeth, they don’t always enjoy long orthodontic treatments. To help shorten the wait, our orthodontist, Dr. Chris Shannon, may recommend AcceleDent®. Come in for AcceleDent in Davenport or Celebration, Florida, and Shannon Orthodontics can help you or your child have a more comfortable, quicker treatment. Call 863-353-6867 today!