To my Shannon Orthodontics Family,


We are reopening on May 4th!!!!  This is in accordance with the Governor’s phase I plan for reopening the the State of Florida.  I wanted to update you on a few changes that will be taking place to keep you and our team safe and healthy.


Wearing our PPE

When it comes to preventing the spread of disease, rest assured that Dr. Shannon has always been strict on universal precautions including the use of masks, glasses, gloves, sterile instruments and devices as well as clean and disinfected environmental surfaces.  You will see us wearing more PPE than usual.  This is to protect our team and our patients.


Removing other risks
Other objects that may be difficult to disinfect, such as magazines, reading material and refreshment stations, will be removed.


Added cleaning
Frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, chairs, desks and bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected often.


A new process
Screening and triage questions, waiting in your vehicle versus the waiting room, checking your temperature or asking that you follow social distancing and infection control etiquette may occur.


We are here for you,


Shannon Orthodontics

IMPORTANT: If you are infected with COVID-19 or think you may have been infected, please contact us in advance before coming in. We will need to reschedule your appointment


P.S We will continue to post fun stories, videos and pics to keep you entertained.   Follow us on:

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